Wednesday 8 June 2011

You shan't find me here anymore.

Go to

Tuesday 8 February 2011

One down.

I have officially achieved my first goal of the year to get a new job :)
...and it is now the Chinese Year of the Rabbit don'tcha know. Every Chinese New Year my sister and I are sent gifts in these cute little red envelopes from your aunt in San Fransisco.

Thursday 20 January 2011

all the things I hope to do...

1. Own a cabin in Canada.

2. Safari adventure in Botswana.

3. Tour the National Parks of Costa Rica.

4. A month long Antarctic road trip.

5. Own a beautiful apartment overlooking Central Park.

Now I just need to figure out the money part and I'll be set :)

Thursday 6 January 2011

As I drove home this evening a fox crossed the road up ahead of me; a sight that I always marvel at. I love urban foxes, it is almost like you are catching them out in their secret life in the shadows of a man-made world. Although I adore all members of the animal kingdom, the fox is one close to my heart...

Foxes will always remind me of my Gran, the most wonderfully kind and inspiring person I have ever known. I will always remember going to her great big house near the seaside, where I spent a vast amount of time as a child. On one particular day, shortly after her funeral, I remember going upstairs with my Dad and aunt to the bedroom at the back of the house where my sister and I used to sleep. While they were searching for something, I looked out the huge balcony doors into the garden and saw, sitting in the middle of the lawn, a fox. I suspect it was the same fox she was always told off for feeding by my Granpa (a testament to her unfailing kindness to all living things). But it was an amazing moment to see it just sitting there, looking and patiently waiting for her return. I remember feeling sorry for him because, although I was sad, no one could tell him he would no longer find food in this particular garden.

I shall forever remember that fox.

Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year, Fresh Start

I am going into 2011 with nothing but optimism. Last year was a strange and confusing one, but I have finally got my head in the right place - proud of myself.

So in the hope that I might actually achieve some goals for the year if I write them down...

1. New job

2. A little house for me and Phil to share

3. Start learning French again, in preparation for my aspirations to move to Canada in the future.

4. Join a dance class.

5. Save up to go on safari.

6. Say yes more to opportunities that come my way and stay positive.

And one for luck... as always; take photos and write more.

Monday 6 December 2010

Jamie T - Spider's Web

Sunday 28 November 2010

Marilyn is the only famous woman I have ever truly admired. It seems cliche, as she is an icon to so many; her image is world famous and often over-used, but for me she represents something deeper and more meaningful than just a pretty face.

I believe she was so much more than the woman she portrayed herself to be. An incredibly talented, funny, intelligent woman who underneath it all, tragically, lacked confidence and
seemed to be constantly searching for love and acceptance. After reading about her life, her journal entries and poetry, I cannot help but feel a little sad every time I look at her image.

Despite decades separating us, there is something about her that I truly identify with, and today I felt like writing about it to show my appreciation for a woman I will always adore. There is no other quite like Marilyn and I don't think there ever will be. So I hope she will never be forgotten or cast aside as just a ditsy blonde, as she is the true testament to "never judge a book by its cover".
